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Orders, Circulars and SRO's
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotional Committee (Non-Gazetted)- Promotion of Field Assistant-II/Equivalent to the post of Field Assistant-I/Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotional Committee (Non-Gazetted)- Promotion of Foreman to the post of Senior Foreman thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotional Committee (Non-Gazetted)- Promotion of Senior Assistants to the post of Head Assistants thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotional Committee (Non-Gazetted)- Promotion of Head Assistants to the post of Section Officers thereof.
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Clarification regarding grant of Insitu Promotion Ist & 2nd on momentary basis as per the representation of Sh. Ravi Pandotra (I/c RCO) of Agriculture Department Jammu Division
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Appointment of First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) in respect of Agriculture Department Jammu
Compassionate Appointment case of Sh. Vickey Kumar S/o Lt. Sh. Janak Raj (Ex-Helper) R/o village Budhuchak p/o Gajansoo Tehsil Marh Jammu,under SRO-43 of 1994-reg.
Designated of Public Information Officers (PIOs) in respect of Agriculture Production & FW, Jammu Division regarding
Updated Revised Final Seniority lists as on 01.10.2024 in respect of Non-Gazetted staff (Ministerial and Executive / Technical) borne under Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules, 2017 of Directorate of Agriculture Jammu
Advertisement Notice for engagement for Krishi Udyamis(KU) Agriculture Entreprenuer Phase -1 in District Jammu under Holistic Agriculture Development Program(HADP)
Poor Response to the Advertisement Notice for engagement for Krishi Udyamis(KU) Agriculture Entreprenuer in District Jammu under HADP, request for Re-advertisement thereof... regarding..
Compassionate Appointment case of Sh. Suraj Parkash S/o Lt. Sh. Krishan Lal R/o Chainpur Tehsil Kalakote, District Rajouri under SRO-43 of 1994-reg.
Compassionate Appointment case of Sh. Vicky Kumar S/o Lt. Sh. Janak Raj, Ex-Helper , R/o Budhuchak P/o Gajansoo Tehsil Marh, District Jammu under SRO-43 of 1994-reg.
Compassionate Appointment case of Smt. Rita Devi W/o Lt. Sh. Om Parkash, Ex- Mali , R/o Parlah Tehsil Suchetgarh, District Jammu under SRO-43 of 1994-reg.
Advertisement Notice for engagement for Krishi Udyamis(KU) Agriculture Entreprenuer in District Jammu
Nomination for in-service candidates for undergoing Basic agriculture Training (BAT) course (Diploma in Agriculture) during 2024-25
Nomination for in-service candidates for undergoing Basic agriculture Training (BAT) course (Diploma in Agriculture) during 2024-25
Appointment of Truck Cleaner in Agriculture Production and Farmers welfare Department Jammu
Approval of Revision of rates for conducting seed test in State Seed Testing Laboratory, Jammu w.e.f.01.09.2024
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Final Seniority List as on 01.05.2024 in respect of Non Gazetted staff (Ministerial and Executive/Technical) borne under Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017 in respect of Directorate of Agriculture Jammu.
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Selection list of the candidates for the post of Truck Cleaner in Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare Department, Jammu
Cancellation of Appointment order of Sh.Ajay Kumar S/o Sh. Krishan Lal under OM category, division cadre Jammu and Sh. Bunty Kumar S/o Sh. Sohan Lal under SC category, division cadre Jammu for the post of Junior Scale Stenographer in Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare Department.
Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kathua District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Senior Mechanic Grade-II/Senior Plant Protection Mechanic/Welder/Electrician/Carpenter/Plumber/Bioler Operator/Pattern Maker/Moulder/Fitter/Black Smith working in Pay level-6(35400-112400) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'C''D' 'E' & 'F' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Senior Foreman in the pay scale of level-6F(40800-129200) falling in Class-I of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Junior Agriculture Extension Officers(Non-Graduates) (Promotion Quota) Pay level-6 E(35900-113500)falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'A'of Schedule-II-A(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017 issued vide SRO-442 dated :17.10.2017 as on 01-05-2024..
Tentative Seniority List of Head Draftsman working in Pay level-6 E(35900-113500) falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Foreman in the pay scale of level-6D (35800-113200)falling in Class-III Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Field Assistant-II/Field Man/Surveyor/Laboratory Assistant/Junior Scientific Assistant/Sample Keeper/Mushroom Supervisor/Farm Supervisor/Storekeeper working in pay level-4 (25500-81100) falling in Class-V, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017 issued vide SRO-442 dated :17.10.2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Draftsman working in Pay level-6 D(35800-113200) falling in Class-III Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Draftsman Grade-II working in Pay level-6 (35400-112400) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'H' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Compost Inspector/Field Assistant Grade-I/Junior Scientific Assistant/Assistant Crop Botanist/Apiarist/Store Keeper/Technical Assistant (Biogas)to the Pay Level 6(35900-112400) falling in Class-III & Class-IV Category B of Schedule II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017 issued vide SRO-442 dated :17.10.2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Chauffeur falling in the Pay Level-6 C (35700-113100)/bulldozer-operator-cum-Driver/Driver Grade-I/Driver Grade-II working in the pay level-4 (25500-81100) and pay level-2(19900-63200) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'I', Class-V Cagtegory-'H' of Schedule-II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017 issued vide SRO-442 dated :23.10.2017 as on 01.05.2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Kathua District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017 issued vide SRO-442 dated :17.10.2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Kathua District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative seniority list of Jamadar/Orderlies/Safaiwala/Library Attendant working in the pay level SL-1(14800-47100) in Jammu district cadre falling in class-VI, category -A of Schedule-II(Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Subordinate) service Recruitment Rules, 2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants (District cadre) working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Computer Operator working in the Pay scale Level-5 (29200-92300) falling in Class-III, Category 'A' of Schedule-II,(Ministerial)of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules, 2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Senior Assistants working in Pay level-5(29200-92300) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II A (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative seniority list of Steno Typist, Jammu working in the pay scale level-5 (29200-92300)falling class-V,Category-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-05-2024
Tentative Seniority List of Section Officers in the pay level-7 (44900-142400) under Divisional Cadre Jammu falling in Class-I, Category-A of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative Seniority List of Head Assistants working in Pay level-6 B(35600-112800)in Jammu Divisional Cadre falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-05-2024.
Tentative seniority list of Junior Scale Stenographer Jammu Division Cadre working in the pay scale level-6 B (35600-112800)falling class-V,Category-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-05-2024
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay scale scheme in favour of officers/officials of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Compassionate Appointment of Smt. Jeevan Jyoti W/o Late Sukh Paul Singh,R/o Logate Tehsil & District Kathua, under SRo-43 of 1994.
Compassionate Appointment of Sh. Sunil Kumar S/o Late Om Parkash, Ex-AMM,Jal Shakti Department R/o Chaloge, Tehsil Bani, District Kathua under SRo-43 of 1994.
Compassionate Appointment of Sh. Vijay Kumar S/o Late Sh.Ram Pal, Ex-ALM,Jal Shakti Department R/o Khanpur Bhawan, Gole Gujral, District Jammu under SRo-43 of 1994.
Compassionate Appointment of Ms. Lovely Devi D/o Late Sardar Singh, Ex-Assistant Lineman,Jal Shakti Department R/o Jankhar, Tehsil Basohli, District Kathua under SRO-43 of 1994.
Compassionate Appointment of Mrs. Sushma Devi W/o Late Sh.Raj Kumar (Ex-Mali) R/o Village and Post Office Chakrohi, Tehsil Suchetgarh District Jammu under SRo-43 of 1994.
Tentative Seniority of Agriculture Extension Assistants.
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay sclae scheme in favour of Non-Gazetted employees of Agriculture Department,Jammu Division
Appointment of Multitasking staff in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department, under the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules),2020
Appointment of Multitasking staff (Orderlies) in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department, under the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules),2020
Final seniority list of Orderlies/Safaiwala/Library Attendant working in the pay level SL-1(14800-47100) in Kishtwar district cadre falling in class-VI, category -A of Schedule-II(Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Subordinate) service Recruitment Rules, 2017.
Final Seniority List of Senior Assistants working in Pay level-5(29200-92300) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II A (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Udhampur District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Section Officers in the pay level-7 (44900-142400) under Divisional Cadre Jammu falling in Class-I, Category-A of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Head Assistants working in Pay level-6 B(35600-112800)in Jammu Divisional Cadre falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II A (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Foreman in the pay scale of level-6D (35800-113200)falling in Class-III Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Draftsman Grade-II working in Pay level-6 (35400-113500) falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Draftsman working in Pay level-6 D(35800-113200) falling in Class-III Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Senior Foreman working in Pay level-6 F(40800-129200) falling in Class-I of Schedule-II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Chauffeur Level-6 C working in Pay level-6 D(35700-113100)/Driver Grade-I (25500-81100)/Driver Grade-II(19900-63200) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'I', Class-V Cagtegory-'H',Class-VI, Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Poonch District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Senior Mechanic Grade-II/Senior Plant Protection Mechanic/Welder/Electrician/Carpenter/Plumber/Bioler Operator/Pattern Maker/Moulder/Fitter/Black Smith working in Pay level-6(35400-112400) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'C''D' 'E' & 'F' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Agriculture Extension Officers(Departmental Promotees) Pay level-6 E(35900-113500)falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'A'of Schedule-II-A(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Rajouri District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Compost Inspector/Field Assistant Grade-I/Junior Scientific Assistant/Assistant Crop Botanist/Apiarist/Store Keeper/Technical Assistant (Biogas)to the Pay Level 6(35900-112400) falling in Class-III & Class-IV Category B of Schedule II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-II/Field Man/Surveyor/Laboratory Assistant/Junior Scientific Assistant/Sample Keeper/Mushroom Supervisor/Farm Supervisor/Storekeeper working in pay level-4 (25500-81100) falling in Class-V, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Jammu District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Computer Operator working in the Pay scale Level-5 (29200-82300) falling in Class-III, Category 'A' of Schedule-I, A (Ministerial)of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules, 2017 .
Operating of waiting list of Plant Protection Operator in Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare Department, Jammu
Appointment of Plant Protection Operator/Equivalent in Agriculture Department in District cadre Jammu- Operating of waiting list thereof.
Appointment of Plant Protection Operator/Equivalent in Agriculture Department in District cadre Jammu- Operating of waiting list thereof.
Appointment of Junior Assistant in Agriculture Production & Farmers welfare Department Jammu.
Appointment of Junior Scale Stenographers in Agriculture Production & Farmers welfare Department Jammu.
Tentative Seniority List of Senior Assistants working in Pay level-5(29200-92300) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II A (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Senior Mechanic Grade-II/Senior Plant Protection Mechanic/Welder/Electrician/Carpenter/Plumber/Bioler Operator/Pattern Maker/Moulder/Fitter/Black Smith working in Pay level-6(35400-112400) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'C''D' 'E' & 'F' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Senior Foreman in the pay scale of level-6F(40800-129200) falling in Class-I of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Draftsman working in Pay level-6 D(35800-113200) falling in Class-III Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Section Officers in the pay level-7 (44900-142400) under Divisional Cadre Jammu falling in Class-I, Category-A of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Tentative seniority list of Orderlies/Safaiwala/Library Attendant working in the pay level SL-1(14800-47100) in Kishtwar district cadre falling in class-VI, category -A of Schedule-II(Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Subordinate) service Recruitment Rules, 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Jammu District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Jammu District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Junior Foreman in the pay scale of level-6D (35800-113200)falling in Class-III Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Rajouri District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Junior Agriculture Extension Officers(Departmental Promotees) Pay level-6 E(35900-113500)falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'A'of Schedule-II-A(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Head Draftsman working in Pay level-6 E(35900-113500) falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Head Assistants working in Pay level-6 B(35600-112800)in Jammu Divisional Cadre falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II A (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Kathua District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Field Assistant-II/Field Man/Surveyor/Laboratory Assistant/Junior Scientific Assistant/Sample Keeper/Mushroom Supervisor/Farm Supervisor/Storekeeper working in pay level-4 (25500-81100) falling in Class-V, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Compost Inspector/Field Assistant Grade-I/Junior Scientific Assistant/Assistant Crop Botanist/Apiarist/Store Keeper/Technical Assistant (Biogas)to the Pay Level 6(35900-112400) falling in Class-III & Class-IV Category B of Schedule II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Draftsman Grade-II working in Pay level-6 (35400-113500) falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Tentative Seniority List of Computer Operator working in the Pay scale Level-5 (29200-82300) falling in Class-III, Category 'A' of Schedule-I, A (Ministerial)of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules, 2017 .
Tentative Seniority List of Chauffeur Level-6 C working in Pay level-6 D(35700-113100)/Driver Grade-I (25500-81100)/Driver Grade-II(19900-63200) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'I', Class-V Cagtegory-'H',Class-VI, Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Appointment of Junior Assistants in Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu
Appointment of Junior Assistants in Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu
Appointment of Junior Assistants in Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu
Appointment of Junior Assistants in Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
Appointment of Junior Assistants in Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Head Assistant to the post of Section Officer thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Junior Assistant to the post of Senior Assistant thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Orderly to the post of Junior Assistant thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Field Assistant-III to the post of Field Assistant-II & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Field Assistant-III to the post of Field Assistant-II & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Field Assistant-III to the post of Field Assistant-II & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Field Assistant-III to the post of Field Assistant-II & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Field Assistant-III to the post of Field Assistant-II & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Field Assistant-III to the post of Field Assistant-II & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Malies to the post of Operators & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Malies to the post of Operators & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Malies to the post of Operators & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Senior Assistant to the post of Head Assistant thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Malies to the post of Operators & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Malies to the post of Operators & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Senior Mechanic to the post of Foreman thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Malies to the post of Operators & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Malies to the post of Operators & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Malies to the post of Operators & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Operator to the post of Field Assistant-III thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Field Assistant-III to the post of Field Assistant-II & Equivalent thereof.
Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of operator to the post of Field Assistant-III thereof.
Appointment of Plant Protection Operator/Agriculture Overseer/Field Assistant-III & Equivalent in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's welfare Department, Jammu
Corrigendum to order no. 173 DAJ of 2023 dated 07-06-2023.
Appointment of Junior Assistants in Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare Department Jammu.
Release of withheld recommendations of candidates for the post of Junior Assistant
Grant of Insitu Promotion in (Ist,2nd or 3rd) Higher Standard Pay sclae scheme in favour of Non-Gazetted employees of Agriculture Department
Compassionate appointment of Shri Tarun Sharma S/o Late Sh Rajesh Kumar (Ex. Field Assistant)R/o H.No.180, Sector-04, Sharika Vihar Roop Nagar Tehsil & district Jammu under SRO-43 of 1994.
Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Neelam Kumari, Mali of the office of the Agronomist (Veg.) Improvement Scheme, Jammu to the Pay Scale Level SL 2 of(Rs.15900-50400)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Kailash Sharma, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SMS (SDL)),Basohli Kathua to the Pay Scale Level 8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Veerinder Mohan, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SMS (SDL),of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Ramban to the Pay Scale Level 8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Consideration of candidates for the post of Plant Protection Operators from waiting list.
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Parshotam Gupta, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SDAO, Kathua) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Kathua to the Pay Scale Level 8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Ashwani Kumar Sharma, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SDAO, Hiranagar) of District Kathua to the Pay Scale Level 8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Bikram Singh, Mali of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer Jammu to the Pay Scale Level 2 of(Rs.19900-63200)
Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Smt.Vishali Bagal,Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C Agri. Ext. Officer), of the office of the Agriculture Chemist Jammu to the Pay Scale Level 7 of(Rs.44900-142400)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Surinder Kumar,Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SMS-III) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Udhampur to the Pay Scale Level -8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Amit Kumar,Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SMS-III) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Kathua to the Pay Scale Level -8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Appointment of Multitasking staff (Orderlies) in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department, under the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules),2020
Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Smt.Anita Devi, Mali of the office of the Agronomist Vegetable Improvement Scheme, Jammu to the Pay Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900)
Selection List of candidates for the post of Junior Assistant in Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department, Jammu
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Raj Singh, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SMS-II)of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Kathua to the Pay Level-8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Gurmeet Singh, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SMS-III)of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Cancellation of selection of candidates
Appointment of Plant Protection Operator in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's welfare Department, Jammu
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Arun Kumar Jaral,Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SMS-III)of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Vinod Kumar Khajuria, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer, Reasi)of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Reasi to the Pay Level-8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Arun Khajuria, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C Research Assistant)of the office of the Agriculture Chemist Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Sandeep Dogra, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SMS-III)of the office of the Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer, Thathri District Doda to the Pay Level-8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Rohit Gandotra, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer, Darhal)of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Rajouri to the Pay Level-8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Vinod Kumar,Mali of the office of the Agronomist Vegetable Improvement Scheme Jammu to the Pay Level-1 of(Rs.18000-56900)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Satvir Singh, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer(I/C SMS-III)of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer,Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A of(Rs.50700-160600)
Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Devinder Singh, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer (I/C AEO, Jhullas) of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Poonch to the Pay Level-6 F of(Rs.40800-129200)
Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Jasbir Singh, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer (I/C Apiculture Development Officer) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Poonch to the Pay Level-6 F of(Rs.40800-129200)
Appointment of Bee Keeper in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department, Jammu
Appointment of Multitasking staff (Orderlies) in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department, under the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules),2020
Appointment of Plant Protection Operator in the Agriculture production and Farmer's welfare Department, Jammu
Appointment of Farm Supervisor in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department, Jammu
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Darshan Chand, Helper of the office of the Assistant Soil Conservation Officer (I&P), Jammu to the Pay Scale Level 2 of(Rs.19900-63200)
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Reasi District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Farooq Ahmad Mir, Orderly of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Poonch to the Pay Scale SL 2 of(Rs.15900-50400)
Appointment of Farm Supervisor in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
Appointment of Farm Supervisor in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
Appointment of Bee Keeper in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
Convening of meeting of the Divisional Level Departmental Promotional Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Furnishing of Annual Performance Reports thereof.
Objection on the Tentative Seniority List Non Gazetted Staff Rectification /Decision thereof.
Final Seniority List of Section Officers in the pay level-7 (44900-142400) under Divisional Cadre Jammu falling in Class-I, Category-A of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Senior Assistants in the pay Scale Level-5 (Rs 29200-92300) falling in Class-IV Category-A of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Senior Foreman in the pay scale of level-6F(40800-129200) falling in Class-I of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Senior Mechanic Grade-II/Senior Plant Protection Mechanic/Welder/Electrician/Carpenter/Plumber/Bioler Operator/Pattern Maker/Moulder/Fitter/Black Smith working in Pay level-6(35400-112400) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'C''D' 'E' & 'F' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Udhampur District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Samba District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Reasi District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Ramban District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Rajouri District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Poonch District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kishtwar District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kathua District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Jammu District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Doda District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Udhampur District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Reasi District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Ramban District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Rajouri District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Poonch District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Kishtwar District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Kathua District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Jammu District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Operators /Rat Control Operators / Gardener-cum-Operators / Mushroom Cultivator-cum-Operator /Helper / Plant Protection Operator working in the pay scale of SL-2 (15900-50400) of Doda District falling in Class-VII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Samba District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Reasi District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Ramban District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Rajouri District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Poonch District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kishtwar District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kathua District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Jammu District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Doda District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Udhampur District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Foreman in the pay scale of level-6D (35800-113200)falling in Class-III Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Udhampur District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Ramban District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Rajouri District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Poonch District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Kishtwar District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Kathua District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Jammu District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Doda District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Junior Agriculture Extension Officers(Departmental Promotees) Pay level-6 E(35900-113500)falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'A'of Schedule-II-A(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Head Draftsman working in Pay level-6 E(35900-113500) falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Head Assistants working in Pay level-6 B(35600-112800)in Jammu Divisional Cadre falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II A (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-II/Field Man/Surveyor/Laboratory Assistant/Junior Scientific Assistant/Sample Keeper/Mushroom Supervisor/Farm Supervisor/Storekeeper working in pay level-4 (25500-81100) falling in Class-V, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Udhampur District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Reasi District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Ramban District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Rajouri District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Poonch District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Kishtwar District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Kathua District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Jammu District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Field Assistant-III/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man/Ento Overseer/Farm Supervisor Grade-III/Bee Keeper/Plant Protection Operator/Laboratory Assistant Grade-III/Assistant Store Keeper/Field Supervisor (Mushroom) of Doda District working in pay level-2 (19900-63200) falling in Class-VI, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
Final Seniority List of Compost Inspector/Field Assistant Grade-I/Junior Scientific Assistant/Assistant Crop Botanist/Apiarist/Store Keeper/Technical Assistant (Biogas)to the Pay Level 6(35900-112400) falling in Class-III & Class-IV Category B of Schedule II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Draftsman Grade-II working in Pay level-6 (35400-113500) falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Draftsman working in Pay level-6 D(35800-113200) falling in Class-III Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Final Seniority List of Chauffeur Level-6 C working in Pay level-6 D(35700-113100)/Driver Grade-I (25500-81100)/Driver Grade-II(19900-63200) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'I', Class-V Cagtegory-'H',Class-VI, Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
Deputation of in-service candidates for undergoing Diploma in Agriculture (Basic Agriculture Training Programme (BAT) Course during 2022-23 at SKUAST-Jammu
Appointment of Multitasking staff (Orderlies) in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department under the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules), 2020
Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Rahul Sawhney, JAEO (I/C Agriculture Extension Officer)of the office of the Executive Engineer, Tube welIrrigation, division Jammu,to the Pay Level -7 (Rs.44900-142400)
Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Late Sh.Sanjeev Sudan, Senior Assistant of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Poonch to the Pay Level -6 of(Rs.35400-112400)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Smt. Panjaboo Devi, Gardener-cum-Operator of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer,Reasi to the Pay Level -1 (Rs.18000-56900)
Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Balbir Singh, JAEO (I/C Research Assistant) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Udhampur to the Pay Level -8 A(Rs.50700-160600)
Appointment of Plant Protection Operator in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department, Jammu
Conduct of Type Test on Computer Keyboard in respect of in-service Class-IV (orderlies/Peon)-regarding
Appointment of Multitasking staff (orderlies) in Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department under the provision of Jammu & Kashmir Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules) 2020.
- Supperannuation of Non-Gazetted Staff of J&K Agriculture (Subordinate Service) during the calender year 2023 in Agriculture Department Jammu Division
- Relieving of Sh. Adarsh Kumar I/c JAEO Circle Latti Sub Division Ramnagar.
- Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Smt.Asmeeta Sharma, JAEO (I/C Agriculture Extension Officer, demonstrator (Female)),of the office of the Deputy Director of Agriculture(Training), Jammu to the Pay Level -7 (Rs.44900-142400)
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Daulat Ram Khajuria, JAEO (I/C Soil Conservation Assistant, Poonch) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Poonch to the Pay Level -8 A(Rs.50700-160600)
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Rajesh Khajuria, JAEO (I/C SMS(SDL)) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Kathua to the Pay Level -8 A(Rs.50700-160600)
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Mohinder Paul, JAEO (I/C Agriculture Assistant (Inputs), Billawar) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Kathua to the Pay Level -8 A(Rs.50700-160600)
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Dalbir Singh, JAEO (I/C Soil Conservation Assistant, Surankote) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Poonch to the Pay Level -8 A(Rs.50700-160600)
- Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Smt.Jyoti Bala, Mushroom Cultivator of the office of the Mushroom Development Officer Jammu(presently attached with Seed Analyst Jammu)to the Pay Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900)
- Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Mohd Shareef, Orderly of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Reasi to the Pay Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900)
- Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Ranbir Singh,Gardener-cum-operator of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer,Udhampur to the Pay Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900)
- Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Irshad Ahmed,Mali of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Poonch to the Pay Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900)
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Ameet Choudhary, JAEO (I/C Spawn Production Assistant) of the office of the Joint Director, Apiculture Mushroom Development Jammu,to the Pay Scale -6 F of (Rs.40800-129200)
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Devinder Sharma, JAEO (I/C Agri. Ext. Officer) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Poonch to the Pay Scale -6 F of (Rs.40800-129200)
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Hoshiyar Singh,Chowkidar of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer,Ramban to the Pay Scale SL-2 of (Rs.15900-50400)
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Hakeem Ali Mohd,Orderly of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer,Ramban to the Pay Scale SL-2 of (Rs.15900-50400)
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Gagan Preet Singh,Orderly of the office of the Agriculture Chemist, Jammu to the Pay Scale SL-2 of (Rs.15900-50400)
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Varinder Dogra, JAEO (I/C SDAO, Samba) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Samba to the Pay Level -8 A (Rs.50700-160600)
- Appointment of Plant Protection operator in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
- Appointment of Plant Protection operator in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
- Appointment of Plant Protection operator/ Agriculture Overseer/Field Assistant-III & Equivalent in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
- Biometric Attendance in the Govt. Offices-instructions thereof.
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Chander Shekhar Sharma, JAEO (I/C Agriculture Assistant) of the office of the Command Area Development,Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Final Seniority List of Computer Operator working in the Pay scale Level-5 (29200-82300) falling in Class-III, Category 'A' of Schedule-I, A (Ministerial)of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules, 2017 issued vide SRO-442 dated 23.10.2017.
- Acceptance of Resignation of Mr.Vijay Bharat (Khalasi) Apiculture Development Scheme, Doda.
- Grant of Ist and 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Ravi Pandotra, JAEO (I/C RCO) in light of Govt order No. 01-JK(APD) of 2022 dated 10.05.2022 issued by the Administrative Department.
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Gurubaksh Singh, JAEO (I/C Analytical Assistant) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Kathua District Kathua to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Naresh Kumar Sharma, JAEO (I/C AEO) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Jammu District Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Raj Kumar Sharma, JAEO (I/C SDAO, Rajouri) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Rajouri District Rajouri to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Appointment of Plant Protection operator in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
- Appointment of Plant Protection operator in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
- Appointment of Field Supervisor/Farm Supervisor Grade-II/Agriculture Overseer/Field Man or equivalent in the Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department Jammu.
- Tentative Seniority List of Chauffeur Level-6 C working in Pay level-6 D(35700-113100)/Driver Grade-I (25500-81100)/Driver Grade-II(19900-63200) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'I', Class-V Cagtegory-'H',Class-VI, Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Draftsman working in Pay level-6 D(35800-113200) falling in Class-III Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Revised Final Seniority List of Draftsman Grade-II working in Pay level-6 D(35800-113200) falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Foreman working in Pay level-6 D(35800-113200) falling in Class-III Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Final Seniority List of Head Assistants working in Pay level-6 B(35600-112800)in Jammu Divisional Cadre falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II A (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-10-2022.
- Revised Final Seniority List of Head Draftsman working in Pay level-6 E(35900-113500) falling in Class-II Cagtegory-'C' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Kathua District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Jammu District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Kishtwar District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Poonch District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Rajouri District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Ramban District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Udhampur District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Junior Assistants of Doda District working in Pay level-4(25500-81100) falling in Class-V Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Samba District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Doda District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Jammu District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kathua District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kishtwar District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Poonch District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Rajouri District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Ramban District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Reasi District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard working in SL-1 (14800-47100) of Udhampur District falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Ramban District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Doda District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Jammu District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kathua District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kishtwar District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Poonch District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Rajouri District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Reasi District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Samba District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Orderly/Safaiwala/Library Attendant in the pay scale SL-1 (14800-47100) of Udhampur District falling in Class-VI Category "A" & "B", of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment rules-2017.
- Final Seniority List of Senior Assistants working in Pay level-5(29200-92300) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'A' of Schedule-II A (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017 as on 01-08-2022.
- Revised Final Seniority List of Senior Foreman working in Pay level-6 F(40800-129200) falling in Class-I of Schedule-II(Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Tentative Seniority List of Senior Mechanic Grade-II/Senior Plant Protection Mechanic/Welder/Electrician/Carpenter/Plumber/Bioler Operator/Pattern Maker/Moulder/Fitter/Black Smith working in Pay level-6(35400-112400) falling in Class-IV Cagtegory-'C''D' 'E' & 'F' of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir (Agriculture) Subordinate Service Recruitment Rules 2017.
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Rupinder Pal Singh Bedi, JAEO (I/C AEO) of the office of the Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer, Hiranagar District kathua to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Celebration of National/International Days in connection with various events by Governments in union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
- Compassionate appointments under SRO-43 of 1994- regarding pay of employees appointed under S.O.192 dated 17.06.2020..
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Ashni Kumar, Orderly of the office of the Sub Divisional Agriculturer Officer, R.S.Pura to the Pay Scale SL 2 of (Rs. 15900-50400).
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Shiv Darshan, Watchman of the office of the Potato Development Officer, Jammu to the Pay Scale SL 2 of (Rs. 15900-50400).
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Prem Singh, JAEO (I/C Sub-Divisional Agriculture Officer, Dansal) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Naresh Raina, JAEO (I/C AEO) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Shri.Kasar Durani, JAEO (I/C Assistant Project Officer) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)- Promotion of Field Assistant-III/Equivalent to the post of Field Assistant-II/ Equivalent district cadre-thereof.
- Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)- Promotion of GCO/Equivalent to the post of Field Assistant-III/equivalent district cadre- thereof.
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Rajesh Kumar, JAEO (I/C AEO) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh.Sham Lal Khajuria, JAEO (I/C MDA) of the office of the Joint Director, Apiculture and Mushroom Development, Jammu to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)- Promotion of Field Assistant-I/Equivalent to the post of JAEO thereof.
- Final Seniority List of Section Officers in the pay level-7 (44900-142400) under Divisional Cadre Jammu falling in Class-I, Category-A of
Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017, as on 01.01.2022..
- Adjustment
- Tentative Seniority List of Senior Assistants in the pay Scale Level-5 (Rs 29200-92300) falling in Class-IV Category-A of Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu and Kashmir
Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017 as on 01.01.2022.
- Minutes of meeting for fixation of Sale Rate of Major/Mini Seeds for Kharif 2022 Season.
- Minutes of meeting for fixation of Procurement Rates of Seeds (Open Pollinated Crops) for Kharif 2022 Season and Potato seed (Seed Village)
- Tentative Seniority List of Head Assistants in the Level-6B (Rs 35600-112800) in Divisional Cadre Jammu falling in Class-II, Category-A of Schedule-II
A Ministerial of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate)
Service Recruitment Ruls-2017 as on 01.01.2022.
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Harvinder Singh, JAEO (I/C AEO) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer,
Poonch to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Tentative Seniority List of Section Officers in the pay level-7 (44900-142400) under Divisional Cadre Jammu falling in Class-I, Category-A of
Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017, as on 01.01.2022..
- SRO 442.
- Insitu Promotions .
- Superannuation of the Non-Gazetted Staff of J&K Agriculture(Subordinate Service) during the calender year 2022 in Agriculture Department, Jammu Division .
- Retirement on superannuation of the members of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department (Gazetted) Service during the year 2022.
- Corrigendum regarding Minutes of Meeting vide No.Agri/Dev-42/19/2021-22/01-14 dated 01.04.2022 and order no. Dev-03/2022 dated 06.04.2022
- Minutes of meeting for fixation of Procurement Rates of Seeds (Open Pollinated Crops) for Kharif 2022 Season and Potato seed (Seed Village)
- Tentative Seniority List of Head Assistants in the Level-6B (Rs 35600-112800) in Divisional Cadre Jammu falling in Class-II, Category-A of Schedule-II
A Ministerial of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate)Service Recruitment Ruls-2017 as on 01.01.2022.
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Harvinder Singh, JAEO (I/C AEO) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer,Poonch to the Pay Level-8 A (Rs. 50700-160600).
- Tentative Seniority List of Section Officers in the pay level-7 (44900-142400) under Divisional Cadre Jammu falling in Class-I, Category-A of
Schedule-II (Ministerial) of Jammu & Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017, as on 01.01.2022..
- SRO 442.
- Insitu Promotions .
- Superannuation of the Non-Gazetted Staff of J&K Agriculture(Subordinate Service) during the calender year 2022 in Agriculture Department, Jammu Division .
- Retirement on superannuation of the members of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture Production and Farmer's Welfare Department (Gazetted) Service during the year 2022.
- Order of Incharge Senior Assistants
- Order of Incharge Junior Assistants
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Abdul Rouf, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer (I/C SDAO, Mendhar) District Poonch to the Pay Level 8 A (Rs.50700-160600)
- Drawal of Salary in favour of Shri Ajay Kumar, Subject Matter Specialist-II (Engg.)
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Yasir Arfat Batt, Lab Attendant of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer Doda to the pay sacle SL2 of (Rs.15900-50400)
- Memorandum regarding modification of the charges for conducting meeting/training in the conference Hall of Kisan Kendra, Jammu
- Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Head Assistants to the post of Section Officer thereof
- Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Junior Assistants to the post of Senior Assistants thereof.
- Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Junior Scale Stenographer to the post of Senior Scale Stenographer thereof
- Clearance by the Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted)-Promotion of Orderlies to the post of Junior Assistants thereof.
- Conduct of DPC in respect of subordinate staff
- Memorandum regarding Rental Charges for Rooms and Dormitories at Kissan Kendra Talab Tillo Jammu.
- Vigilance Clearance of Agriculture Extension Assistants promoted to the posts of Junior Agriculture Extension Officer.
- Deputation/Nomination of In-service Candidates for undergoing Basic Agriculture Training (BAT) Course during the year 2021-22.
- Price Policy for Rabi crops for Rabi Marketing Season (RMS) 2022-23 - Fixation of Minimum Support Prices.
- Fixation of sale rate of Toria (all varieties) Farm produce for Rabi 2021-22.
- Fixation of Landed cost/Procurement Rate and sale rate of Vegetable seeds (OPVs) and Seed Potato (Tubers) for Rabi 2021-22.
- Revalidation of unspent balance of 2020-21(Central Share) under CSS PMKSY for its utilization during 2021-22.
- Revalidation of unspent balance of 2020-21(Central Share) under CSS PMKSY for its utilization during 2021-22.
- Fixation of sale rate of Toria (all varieties) Farm produce for Rabi 2021-22.
- Fixation of Landed cost/Procurement Rate and sale rate of Vegetable seeds (OPVs) and Seed Potato (Tubers) for Rabi 2021-22.
- Revalidation of unspent balance of 2020-21(Central Share) under CSS PMKSY for its utilization during 2021-22.
- Revalidation of unspent balance of 2020-21(Central Share) under CSS PMKSY for its utilization during 2021-22.
- Grant of Ist In-Situ Promotion in favour of Sh. Joginder Singh, Khalasi of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Udhampur to the pay scale SL 2 of (Rs. 15900-50400)
- Assignment of Charge of the Post of Jr. Agriculture Extension Officer (JAEOs).
- grant of 2nd in-situ promotion in favour of Shri Romesh Kumar, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer of the office of the CAO, Doda....
- Dasti Quotations are hereby invited from reputed catering service providers....
- Corrigendum to Order No. 140/DAJ of 2021 dated 22.06.2021 for Promotion of Agriculture Extension Assistants to the posts of Junior Agriculture Extension Officers-confirmation thereof.
- Promotion of AEA as JAEO_Order No. 140 DAJ OF 2021 Dt. 22.06.2021
- Vigilance Clearance of Non- Gazetted staff of Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department- Submission of posting details thereof.
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Manzoor Ahmad Zarger, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer (I/c AEO) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Kishtwar to the pay Level-8 A (Rs.50700-160600).
- Revalidation of unspent balance of 2020-21(Central Share) under CSS PMKSY for its utilization during 2021-22.
- Revalidation of unspent balance of 2020-21(Central Share) under CSS PMKSY for its utilization during 2021-22.
- Assignment of Charge of the Post of Jr. Agriculture Extension Officer (JAEOs).
- Design and Development of Electronic Vigilance Clearance System by J&K Govt.-Login Credentials thereof.
- Design and Development of Electronic Vigilance Clearance System by J&K Govt. .....
- grant of 2nd in-situ promotion in favour of Shri Romesh Kumar, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer of the office of the CAO, Doda....
- Dasti Quotations are hereby invited from reputed catering service providers....
- Corrigendum to Order No. 140/DAJ of 2021 dated 22.06.2021 for Promotion of Agriculture Extension Assistants to the posts of Junior Agriculture Extension Officers-confirmation thereof.
- Promotion of AEA as JAEO_Order No. 140 DAJ OF 2021 Dt. 22.06.2021
- Vigilance Clearance of Non- Gazetted staff of Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department- Submission of posting details thereof.
- Grant of 3rd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Manzoor Ahmad Zarger, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer (I/c AEO) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Kishtwar to the pay Level-8 A (Rs.50700-160600).
- Transfer and Postings of AEA's.
- Transfer and Postings of AEA's.
- Corrigendum to Agri Order No. 107 DAJ of 2021 dated 30-04-2021.
- Transfer and Postings of AEA's.
- Compassionate appointment of Mst Sameena Kouser W/o Late Sgct. Mushtaq Ahmed No. 610/JKAP-6th Bn (PID No. ARP-066299) R/o Chandimarh, Tehsil Surankote, District Poonch under SRO-43 of 1994.
- Constitution of Review Committees under Article-226(2) of the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations,1956.
- Vigilance Clearance of Non- Gazetted staff of Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department- Submission of posting details thereof.
- Vigilance Clearance of Non- Gazetted staff of Agriculture Production & Farmer's Welfare Department- Submission of posting details thereof.
Deputation of Senior Assistants/Junior Assistants for undergoing J&K Secretariat Assistant Training Course/Foundation Course-regarding.
- Deputation of Junior Agriculture Extension Officer (JAEO) to Jammu & Kashmir State Rural livelihood Mission (JKSRLM)- repatriation thereof.
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Shri Mohd. Hussain, Mali of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Reasi to the Pay scale SL 2 of (Rs.15900-50400)
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Ashok Kumar, Mali,Smt. Nimo Devi, Orderly na Sunil Sharma, Mali of the office of the Assistant Agrostologist, Jammu to the Pay scale SL 2 of (Rs.15900-50400)
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Rajneesh Kumar, Chowkidar of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Doda to the Pay scale SL 2 of (Rs.15900-50400)
Grant of 2nd Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Kamal Rajan, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer (I/c Agriculture Extension Officer) of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Ramban to the Pay scale Level-7 of (Rs.44900-142400)
- Conduct of Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted) staff furnishing of APR therof
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Sunil Kumar, Mali of the office of the Potato Development Officer, Jammu to the pay scale SL 2
- Conduct of Departmental Promotion Committee (Non-Gazetted) staff furnishing of APR therof
- 1st In-situ promotion in favour of Smt. Sharda Devi, Orderly of the office of the CAO Jammu to the pay scale SL 2 of (Rs. 15900-50400)
- Final seniority list of Mali/Gardener........... of the pay level SL-1 (14800-47100) of Doda District falling in Class-VIII
- Final seniority list of Mali/Gardener........... of the pay level SL-1 (14800-47100) of Kishtwar District falling in Class-VIII
- Final seniority list of Mali/Gardener........... of the pay level SL-1 (14800-47100) of Jammu District falling in Class-VIII
- Minutes of Review meeting held via virtual mode with JDA (Extension), Jammu and CAOs(All except Jammu)........ on 08-12-2020.
- In-situ promotion in favour of Smt. Usha Devi, LAb Attendant & Thakar Lal, Chowkidar of the Office of the CAO, Doda to the pay scale SL 2 (15900-50400)
- Post facto sanction of 12 days Earned Leave in favour of Sh. Dev Raj, Helper Directorate of Agriculture, Jammu
- Superannuation of Non-Gazetted staff of J&K Agriculture (Subordinate Serviceduring the calendar year 2021 in Agriculture Department, Jammu Division.
- Pursuant to the J&K Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme Rules, 1996 issued vide SRO-14 dated 15.1.1996, sanction is hereby accorded to the grant of 3rd In-situ promotion in favour of Shri Ravinder Saini, JAEO of the CAO, Kathua to the pay Level-8 A(Rs. 50700-160600).........
- Pursuant to the J&K Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme Rules, 1996 issued vide SRO-14 dated 15.1.1996, sanction is hereby accorded to the grant of 3rd In-situ promotion in favour of Shri Harvinder PAl Singh, JAEO Rajouri to the pay Level -8 A(Rs. 50700-160600).........
- Final seniority list of Orderlies/Safaiwala........... of the pay level SL-1 (14800-47100) of Jammu District falling in Class-VI
- Final seniority list of Mali/Gardener........... of the pay level SL-1 (14800-47100) of Udhampur District falling in Class-VIII
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Anil Bogal and Sh. Suresh Kumar, Malies of the office of the Joint Director of Agriculture (Inputs), Jammu
- Grant of 2nd & Last Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Karan Singh, JAEO of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Doda
- Grant of Ist Insitu Promotion in favour of Sh. Nitan Magotra, Orderly of the office of the Chief Agriculture Officer, Jammu
- Final Seniority List of Malies/Gardener/Laboratory Attendant/Khalasi/Mushroom Cultivator/Plant Protection Operator/Mali-Cum-Chowkidar/Helper/Watchman /Jaribkash /Weighman /Guard of Doda District working in SL-1 (14800-47100) falling in Class-VIII, Category "A" of Schedule-II (Executive) of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules-2017.
- Sanction of Ninety days Earned Leave in favour of Smt Arti Manhas,Assistant Accounts Officer of Directorate of Agriculture Jammu