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Profile of District Udhampur

The District Udhampur has been named after Raja Udham Singh, the eldest son of Maharaja Gulab Singh who was the founder of Dogra rule in Jammu & Kashmir. The topography of the district is unique as it possesses three agro climatic regions viz sub tropical, intermediate and temperate which favour the cultivation of different crops at different elevations. The distribution of rainfall varies from region to region and balanced rains are hardly expected. In regions of less rain drought like condition is created whereas excessive rains cause floods and havoc. The climate of the district also varies according to altitude, the temperature rises sometimes as high as 420C and seldom goes below 1.50C . The irrigated area from all sources is 2903 hectares only which forms 6% of the total cultivable area. This shows that farning community is mostly dependant on rains for the cultivation of their 94% cultivable area.


  • soils are well drained.
  • Provides good testing ground for executing dry-land technology.
  • FYM is available in good quantity as district has ample livestock population.
  • Less incidence of pest & disease attack.
  • Have good scope for apiculture development.
  • Round the year cultivation of Mushroom possible becuase of three agro-climatic zones.
  • Potential for off season vegetable cultivation .
  • Salubrious atmosphere for mulbery cultivation.
  • Gujjar, Bakerwal population is one of the factor for rearing sheep, goats, milch animals.
  • Aromatic flower cultivation is best option because of agroclimatic cultivation.


  • Shallow soils & steep slopes in vast area
  • Seed replacement rate of hybrid and HYV is not more than 10%.
  • Shortage of fertilzer during cropping season and imabalanced use of fertilizers
  • Poor offtake of potassium fertilzer.
  • 94% of the area un-irrigated.
  • Rainwater harvesting is not properly maintained.
  • Inadequate availability of quality seeds of various crops.


  • Area suitable for cereals like Maize & Wheat.
  • Soils are suitable for raising Horticulture, forest, bamboo & other multipurpose plantation.
  • Growing of pulses especially quality rajmash, virus free potato seed, aromatic and medicinal plants, oilseeds, millets is suitable for dry land areas.
  • Apiculture, mushroom, sericulture, floriculture can be taken up as additional income generating schemes.


  • Excessive soil erosion due to steep soils.
  • Local germ-plasm of maize, wheat, pulses, medicinal and herbal plants is at the verge of extinction.
  • Excessive use of pesticides in Sudhmahadev areas is posing threat to apiculture industry.