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Profile of District Samba

It s said that Samba was principality established somewhere in 1400 A.D. As per folklore Malh Dev, the younger son of Rai Saidu of Lakhanpur was the founder of Samba principality. Samba ultimately came under the supremacy of Jammu during the period of Hari Dev in 1816 A.D and in 1846 A.D it became an integral part of the J&K State. District Samba came into operation vide Govt Order No 1345-GAD of 2006 Dated 27-10-2006. It comprises 382 villages. These villages have been organised into 55 patwar halqas and 99 panchayats. A modern industrial complex is established on the bank of river Basantar at Samba named as Industrial Growth Centre.


  • About 60% area is available for intensification
  • Well drained
  • Sufficient rainfall mainly during rainy season May-June
  • Receptive farmers willing to adopt improved farm technologies


  • Shallow Soils average slope 6-8% and low vegetative cover.
  • Shallow depth, poor water holding capacity
  • Steep slopes cause run - off


  • Immense scope for mixed / multiple cropping with higher income and employment generation
  • Bridging yield gaps between average yield and attainable yield

  • Degrading soil fertility especially with declining status of potash and micronutrients
  • Declining factor productivity and rising cost of cultivation especially in predominant paddy - wheat cropping system
  • Increasing farmers inability to invest in agricultural production system
  • Increased incidence of insect - pest and disease complex.
  • Weeds and insects thriving on common lands and government lands