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Profile of District Poonch

District Poonch of Jammu & Kashmir State is located along the south western Indo Pak LOC and situated between 330 25' to 340 North latitude and 730 25' to 740 33' East longitude. The district Poonch came into existence in the year 1967 and is situated at a height of 3300 MSL and spread over an area of 1674 sq km's with geographical area of 1.14 lac hectares. Most of the area in this district is rainfed, as only 13.35% of area is having assured irrigation. Maize being a staple food of the district is cultivated over an area of 24000 hectares with highest yield of 31.67 qtls./ha and surplus production of maize is about 31000 MT's per year. Paddy cultivation is done over an area of 4250 ha's during kharif season whereas wheat crop is cultivated over an area of 1500 hectares. Majority of the fields in this district are situated across the hilly slopes. Overall cropping intensity of the district is about 166% whereas double cropped area is 0.52 lac ha. Mushroom as well as apiculture sectors can also be undertaken on large scale as the district is bestowed with plenty of flora and suitable conditions. Average size of land holding is quite low as it is only 0.2 hectare in the district. The productivity of major food grain crops has registered a significant increase over the years.


  • All the agriculture/horticulture products are produced with immense qualitative tasty traits.
  • Marketing network of all type of products is readily available as Poonch is being emerging as potential market.
  • Trade centre due to opening of Chakan-da-Bagh as international Trade outlet situated at the Indo-Pak LOC.
  • Receptive farmers willing to adopt improved farm technologies
  • Rich local germ-plasm of Rajmash, Painted Mothi, and white Maize / Course Paddy etc are of great specialty of the district.


  • Inadequate irrigation facility in the district
  • Predominant loose erodible soils
  • Lack of awareness on conservation technologies
  • critical technology gaps in specific areas of crop production viz seed treatment, balance fertilizer and insect pest disease management
  • Low adoption level of FYM, green manuring and Vermi-composting and crop / farm residue management


  • Immense scope for organic production of crops in the district
  • Opportunities prevail for profitable diversification of existing cropping pattern within crops and towards non - crop husbandry
  • Use of light weight power tillers in receptive areas of the district.


  • Frequent occurrence of calamities like hail storms, incessant torrential rains besides floods and moisture stress due to prolonged dry spells.
  • High erosions.
  • Increasing farmers inability to invest in agricultural production system
  • Increased incidence of insect - pest and disease complex.
  • Declining inability to invest in agricultural production system