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Profile of District Kishtwar

Kishtwar district used to be an independent and was merged with the state of J&K in 1821 AD. It became part of newly created district doda in first reorganization of the state and has been made an independent district in the year 2007. Kishtwar district lies in the south, east of J&K touching the northern border of Himachal Pradesh. Kishtwar branches off in Marwah- wadwan valley, Paddar valley and Chatroo valley and is flanked by lofty Himalayas from all sides. Administratively district Kishtwar comprises of 4 tehsils namely Kishtwar, Paddar, Chatroo and Marwah and 8 rural blocks Kishtwar, Padar, Chatroo, Marwah, Dachan, Nagsani and Drabshala and it comprises of 74 panchayats.


  • Basic factors for successful cultivation of major cereals are available
  • Fertile and productive soils with 88% irrigated area
  • Soils are fit for intensive cultivation
  • Receptive farmers willing to adopt improved farm technologies


  • Inefficient Water Management
  • Inadequate soil health management
  • Lack of awareness on conservation technologies
  • critical technology gaps in specific areas of crop production viz seed treatment, balance fertilizer and insect pest disease management
  • Low adoption level of FYM, green manuring and vermi-composting and crop / farm residue management


  • Immense scope for mixed / multiple cropping with higher income and employment generation
  • Vast opportunities prevail for profitable diversification of existing cropping pattern within crops and towards non - crop husbandry
  • Bridging yield gaps between average yield and attainable yield


  • Degrading soil fertility especially with declining status of potash and micronutrients
  • Declining factor productivity and rising cost of cultivation especially in predominant paddy - wheat cropping system
  • Increasing farmers inability to invest in agricultural production system
  • Increased incidence of insect - pest and disease complex.
  • Weeds and insects thriving on common lands and government lands