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Action Plans, Releases and Progress Reports under CSS

  • Withdrawal /release of funds amounting to Rs.3.45 lakh under "Sub-Mission on Agriculture Mechanization (SMAM)" a component of NMAET
  • Approved Annual Action Plan for Financial year 2020-21 under MIDH
  • Approved State Extension Work Plan (SEWP) under ATMA for the year 2020-21
  • Approved Annual Action Plan for Financial year 2020-21 under Sub Mission on Agriculture Mechanization (SMAM) in respect of JK UT
  • Approved Annual Action Plan 2020-21 under PDMC-PMKSY
  • Approved Annual Action Plan for Financial year 2020-21 under Pradhan Mantri Development Package (PMDP), Programme MIDH in respect of Jammu Division
  • Proposed Action Plan under CSS, RKVY -RAFTAAR for the year 2020-21
  • Proposed Annual Action Plan for Financial year 2020-21 under Sub Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP) in respect of UT JK
  • Approved Annual Action Plan for implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme under NFSM (OS & OP) in JK UT for the year 2020-21
  • Approved Annual Action Plan for implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme under NFSM in JK UT for the year 2020-21
  • Release of funds under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) 2020-21 (Central Share)
  • Release of Ist Installment under Centrally Sponsored Scheme "Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana(Rkvy")- Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR)during 2019-20 for Normal RKVY
  • Release of funds (Central Share) under Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana(PMKSY)for its utilization during 2019-20
  • Release of Ist Installment (Central Share) for "Other interventions" & "Micro Irrigation" a component of "Per Drop More Crop"under Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS)Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana(PMKSY)for the year 2019-20
  • Release of funds (Central Share) under Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for implementation of National Food Security Mission-Food grain Crops (Nutri Cereals) during 2019-20
  • Release of funds (Central Share-Normal) under Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for implementation of National Food Security Mission-Food grain Crops (Wheat) during 2019-20
  • Release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme, " Soil Health Management (SHM)" a component of National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)
  • Release of funds under Prime Minister's Development Package (PMDP) 2019-20
  • Release of funds (Central Share) under "Support to State Extension Programs for Extension Reforms (ATMA) a component of Centrally Sponsored Scheme " Sub Mission on Agriculture Extension (SMAE) ATMA"-NMAET during 2019-20
  • Withdrawal and Release of funds under CAPEX Budget 2019-20
  • Release of funds under CAPEX Budget 2019-20
  • State Extension Work Plan (SEWP) 2019-20
  • Release of Funds under Prime Minister's Development Package (PMDP) 2019-20
  • DDO Wise Release of funds under SMAM for the year 2019-20
  • Funds Released under SMAM
  • Progress Report MIDH as on ending July 2019-20
  • Action Plan under ATMA for the year 2018-19
  • Release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme " Support to State Extension Programms for Extension reforms (ATMA) Order No Agri/CSS/ATMA/2017-18/2011-34 Dated 08-01-2018
  • Release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme " Support to State Extension Programms for Extension reforms (ATMA) Order No Agri/CSS/ATMA/2017-18/987-2010 Dated 08-01-2018
  • Release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme " Support to State Extension Programms for Extension reforms (ATMA) Order No DAJ/PLAN/CSS/ATMA/2017-18/1740-50 Dated 07-12-2017 during 2017-18
  • Release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme " Support to State Extension Programms for Extension reforms (ATMA) Order No DAJ/PLAN/CSS/ATMA/2017-18/1734-39 Dated 07-12-2017 during 2017-18
  • Release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme " Support to State Extension Programms for Extension reforms (ATMA) Order No DAJ/PLAN/CSS/ATMA/2017-18/1731-33 Dated 07-12-2017 during 2017-18
  • Release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme " Support to State Extension Programms for Extension reforms (ATMA) Order No DAJ/PLAN/CSS/ATMA/2017-18/1607-12 Dated 20-11-2017 during 2017-18
  • Release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme " Support to State Extension Programms for Extension reforms (ATMA) Order No 35-DAJ of 2017 Dated 14-10-2017 during 2017-18
  • Revalidation of Unspent Funds 2016-17 under "State Extension Programms for Extension reforms (ATMA) during 2017-18
  • Release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme " Support to State Extension Programms for Extension reforms (ATMA) during 2017-18
  • Capex Budget 2017-18 Release of funds (State Share) under CSS Scheme "Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms (ATMA)" during 2017-18
  • Release of funds as Grant-in-aid (Central Share) under CSS "Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms (ATMA)" during 2017-18
  • Revalidation Unspent Balance under CSS _Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization"
  • Release of 2nd instalment of Central Assistance under CSS "Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization"
  • Finnacial Assistance for Seed Village Programme and Certified Seed Production for 2017-18 under "Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" component of National Mission of Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18 - Release of Funds Rs 0.62 lacs
  • Finnacial Assistance for Seed Village Programme and Certified Seed Production for 2017-18 under "Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" component of National Mission of Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18 - Release of Funds Rs 14.40 lacs
  • Finnacial Assistance for Seed Village Programme and Certified Seed Production for 2017-18 under "Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" component of National Mission of Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18- Release of Funds Rs 46.22 lacs
  • Finnacial Assistance for Seed Village Programme and Certified Seed Production for 2017-18 under "Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" component of National Mission of Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18- Release of Funds Rs 222.11460 lacs
  • Finnacial Assistance for Seed Village Programme and Certified Seed Production for 2017-18 under "Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" component of National Mission of Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18- Release of Funds Rs 41.707 lacs
  • Finnacial Assistance for Seed Village Programme and Certified Seed Production for 2017-18 under "Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" component of National Mission of Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18- Release of Funds Rs 14.40 lacs
  • Finnacial Assistance for Seed Village Programme and Certified Seed Production for 2017-18 under "Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" component of National Mission of Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18- Release of Funds Rs 24.68 lacs
  • Finnacial Assistance for Seed Village Programme and Certified Seed Production for 2017-18 under "Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" component of National Mission of Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18- Release of Funds Rs 12.00 lacs
  • Finnacial Assistance for Seed Village Programme and Certified Seed Production for 2017-18 under "Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" component of National Mission of Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18- Release of Funds Rs 274.42 lacs
  • Release of Funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme National Food Security Mission 2017-18
  • Release of Funds (First Installment) under Centrally Sponsored Scheme Rainfed Area Development- a component of National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) during 2017-18
  • Release of Funds (Central/State) under Centrally Sponsored Scheme "Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization"for implementation of its components during 2017-18
  • Revalidation of Unspent Balance 2016-17 under Centrally Sponsored Scheme "Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)"a component of National Mission for Sustainalble Agriculture (NMSA) for its utilization during 2017-18
  • Release of Funds under HMNEH-Programme "MIDH"during 2016-17 Order No 30-DAJ of 2017 Dated 21-09-2017
  • Financial Assistance of Seed Village Programme under " Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" of national Mission of Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18.
  • Financial Assistance for Seed Village Programme under " Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)" of National Mission of Agricultureal Extension and Technology (NMAET) during 2017-18
  • Revalidation of Unspent Balance 2016-17 under "National e Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGP-A) for its utilization during 2017-18
  • Capex Budget 2017-18 - Authorization for release of State Share against Action Plan 2017-18 of Prime Ministers Special Package (PMDP)
  • Release of revalidated funds 2016-17 and its utilization during 2017-18 under Prime Ministers Special Package (Central Share)
  • Action Plans and Progress Report CSS under NFSM
  • Action Plans and Progress Report CSS under SMAM
  • Action Plans and Progress Report CSS under MIDH
  • Progress Report CSS under National Mission saffron 2014-15
  • Progress Report CSS under NeGP 2014-15
  • Progress Report CSS under NMOOP 2014-15
  • Progress Report CSS under NVIUC 2014-15
  • Progress Report CSS under Rainfed Area Development NMSA 2014-15
  • Progress Report CSS under RKVY 2014-15
  • Progress Report CSS under Seed Village Programme 2014-15
  • Progress Report CSS under Soil Health Card 2014-15
  • Progress Report CSS under Soil Health Management 2014-15